Why do Alzheimer’s patients prefer to fold something over other actions?

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Why do Alzheimer’s patients prefer to fold something over other actions?

One common behavior observed in people with Alzheimer’s is their tendency to engage in repetitive and aimless activities, such as folding things. Although it may seem confusing at first, there are several reasons why Alzheimer’s patients feel comfortable and satisfied with folding things. In this article, we will explore the underlying motives behind these behaviors and discuss how Alzheimer’s insurance can help support individuals and their families.

The pursuit of order and familiarity.

One possible explanation for why Alzheimer’s patients like to fold things is related to their desire for order and familiarity. Alzheimer’s disease disrupts cognitive function, leading to confusion and loss of control. By participating in repetitive tasks such as clothes or origami, individuals can regain control and create structures around them. Origami provides simple and predictable activities that seem orderly in their daily lives.

Memory Retention.

Another reason why Alzheimer’s patients feel comfortable folding something is their connection to past memories. Many people with Alzheimer’s have spent much of their lives doing things related to folding, such as washing clothes and organizing documents. Folding things can trigger familiar muscle memories and evoke memories of the past. Joining these activities will allow them to hold onto pieces of their personal history, even when their memories deteriorate.

Sensory stimulation and tactile comfort.

The act of folding provides Alzheimer’s patients with sensory stimulation and tactile comfort. As the disease progresses, individuals may experience sensory deprivation, making it difficult for them to participate in their environment. The repetitive movement of folding, the texture of fabric or paper, and the sound of materials can all provide a calming sensory experience. This tactile participation can help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being in Alzheimer’s patients.

The benefits of Alzheimer’s insurance.

Alzheimer’s insurance plays an important role in supporting individuals and families throughout the disease. Alzheimer’s patients can be financially burdensome because they need professional care and help. Alzheimer’s insurance provides coverage for medical expenses, long-term care, and support services, ensuring that individuals have undue access to the care and resources they need.

In addition, Alzheimer’s insurance generally includes coverage for changes in the home and safety measures. Alzheimer’s patients are prone to wandering and accidents, so a safe living environment is essential.